From Passion to Profession: Cirrus Gold Creative Company

We’re excited to have Michelle Dorrill, Co-owner of Cirrus Gold Creative Company on the blog. She started her path to entrepreneurship when she began to miss the creativity that photography provided her. Michelle’s journey to entrepreneurship is a prime example of how staying true to your passions can lead to a deeply gratifying and successful career.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to entrepreneurship. 

I went to college straight out of high school at Jacksonville University and studied fine art and photography. Upon graduating I knew a lot about art but nothing about entrepreneurship and I was absolutely terrified to be a "starving artist" so I went on to get my Master's degree. I went to University of West Georgia where I received my Masters of Education in Professional Counseling and a concentration in College Student Affairs. I was able to get a position back home at Columbus State University working with college students in housing and then as an advisor.

It was about 4 years into my professional career that I missed taking photos so I started taking them again. Soon people started offering to pay me for the photos and before I knew it I had a very healthy side hustle. It wasn't long before I started shooting weddings and the income from my side hustle was quickly surpassing my income from my full time job. It was then that I realized I could actually do entrepreneurship. It took me about 2 years to get my business where it was able to sustain me financially. 

Before I took the leap of going full time, I joined the CO.STARTERS program and that really solidified to me that I had everything I needed to make the jump so I did. I just wrapped up my first year in being full time for myself. I wouldn't say entrepreneurship was ever something I wanted to do because I was so terrified of failing. Over time I just kind of fell into it and I'm glad that it happened that way. 

Can you give us some insight into your entrepreneurial experience?

I joined a lot of free or very inexpensive webinars and workshops for photographers to get a better understanding of how to run a business. I found other photographers that were doing what I wanted to be doing and were willing to give me some guidance. I did a lot of google searching and calling state offices to figure out what licensing I would need. I was already pretty well established by the time I joined StartUP, but I'm so glad that I did because the program showed me a lot of the back end things I needed to keep in mind to make sure my business is sustainable. 

What is the hardest lesson you have learned throughout your experience as an entrepreneur?

The hardest lesson is that fear will probably never leave you as an entrepreneur. I still have lots of days where I question what I'm doing and if I have what it takes to succeed. I just opt to keep showing up anyway with the fear because I recognize it's not going anywhere and neither will I if I give into it. 

What are your greatest accomplishments earned throughout your experience as an entrepreneur?

The greatest accomplishment earned so far has been the simple fact that my dream is supporting my life. I came from a very low income household with a single mother and entrepreneurship was never presented to me as an option. To know that I am sustaining myself and my future with a job that is also a passion feels very fulfilling. 

How has your business evolved since its inception?
My business has always been somewhat of a catch all for photography. In the last few years I've narrowed it down to weddings and small business branding work. I still take on other things but my main focus is those two areas which have helped keep me on track a little more with goal setting and marketing. In 2022, my husband Brandon joined me in the business offering video services which has really rounded out what we offer. In 2023, we launched a photo booth offering to our business and that has been one of the most joyful evolutions of our business. 

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when starting your business? 

I would have hired a better CPA when we first opened our business. We didn't know what to look for when hiring an accountant and it impacted the way we set up our business which we ended up having to change. Having a good CPA monthly helps us a lot and I wish we'd had that earlier on. 

In a perfect world I wish I would have believed in myself at 21 when I graduated with my bachelors in photography so that I would have had more years to enjoy being an entrepreneur but I know that I was not ready for it at that time. I also know that my background in counseling and coaching really helps me in working with my current clients. Being in front of the camera can be a vulnerable experience for people and I really enjoy coaching them through the process.

What are your hopes for the future of your business(es)? Do you have any hopes for our community's aspiring entrepreneurs? 

I hope in the next few years to streamline my current business and automate or outsource things that will free up more of my time so that I can be a little bit more present with my family and home life. Our big goal for 2024 is to get my husband to be full time in the business so we can streamline our schedule and be a bit more efficient in serving our clients. 

My hope for the community is to keep on dreaming together. There are a lot of opportunities that go to the people who know to look for them so I hope that we can continue growing the network of people that recognize that entrepreneurship is a viable option and dream with them to create something bigger. 

What advice would you give other entrepreneurs looking to take that leap of faith and find their ‘start?'
People will tell you that you're crazy or stupid for taking the leap and it will likely be people that you feel are closest to you. There will be people who tell you that they are scared for you - but you don't need to carry the weight of their expectations or judgment. Taking the leap is hard enough without everyone giving you their opinion about it. Find a community of people who have done it and are doing it so that you don't feel completely isolated. Also stand in your power of creating your own future. Even if you're scared and your knees are shaking, show up anyway and see what happens. You can always go back to a full time job but you'll never know what you can do until you try it. 

What do you think makes Columbus an exceptional community for startups to thrive? How can our community better support entrepreneurs?

StartUP Columbus was the biggest blessing for me. Even though I already knew a lot about my business and was operating when I went through the CO.STARTERS Program - what I found was a community and network of people that still to this day help me stand on my own. After I went full time I felt incredibly lonely, so I joined the Incubator program through StartUP and got a desk in a community working space.  Now when I'm terrified or stuck on things with my business I am surrounded by people who can help me and guide me. With each cohort that moves through the program the network is getting bigger and bigger and it's really cool to see us helping each other make our dreams come true. 

I am unsure our community could do more to support entrepreneurs. There are a shocking amount of resources available that people don't take advantage of. If people are actively looking for the support they will find it.

Is there anything else you would like to share? 

I want to share something that was shared with me on a day I was absolutely crumbling and wondering how I was going to make things happen. No entrepreneur that has gone before you has not stood in your shoes. There has not been someone who built a successful business that did not go through the fear, the trials, the questioning that you're going through. You are not alone and just like everyone else who has done it- you have the potential to build a successful business. 

How can our readers learn more about you and your business(es)? This can include your website(s), social media, upcoming events, etc.




Michelle's journey is an inspiring one, inviting fellow entrepreneurs and dreamers to connect, learn, and grow together. As she continues to shape her business, she continues to encourage others, reminding us the importance of community, support, and giving us the courage to take that leap of faith.


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