Meet the Finalist: An Interview with Connell Reynolds, BizPitch 2022 Finalist

Get ready to be inspired! In this interview, we sit down with Connell, one of the finalists in our 2022 BizPitch competition. He is the founder and president of Travel Kots - Whether you need a weekend travel backpack for your getaways, or a carry-on luggage for worldwide adventures, Travel Kots has the perfect product for you.

Q: Tell us about yourself and your journey to entrepreneurship/business ownership. What inspired you to find your start?

A: My journey into entrepreneurship began many years ago. My first business was a vending company, which I later sold. This led to a watercraft rental business in the Caribbean. Once that business was sold, we began a medical supply company based on our medical device patents. We have four issued patents, three of which went to market. Our most recent patent, (Travel Kot), allows you to carry your very own bed in our bags. These products are currently being marketed with great response.

I graduated from Darton State College and Albany State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.

Since my earliest memories, I've wanted to own my own business. I knew early on that I wanted to be my own boss, but I didn't understand the process. However, I knew I wanted to do it regardless. 

I knew that it was up to me to encourage myself, step out on faith, realize my dream, and start my first company. Since beginning my first business, I haven't looked back. This yearning drives me daily.

Q: Can you give us some insight into your entrepreneurial experience? What resources did you have/use when launching your startup?

A: My first step into entrepreneurship began with a dream and a drive. It began so long ago when there were so few resources and no internet. It required a great deal of leg work, research, and patience. In my opinion, the overriding traits of a successful entrepreneur are persistence, perseverance, and patience. On countless occasions I had to pivot due to things not going to plan. Don't be afraid to modify your approach to remain in operation. Things will happen that will require you to make changes. Don't be afraid or ashamed to seek help from people who are more knowledgeable.

I was able to obtain mentorship from agencies at no cost. I learned about SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives and SBDC (Small Business Development Center). These two resources are free, very helpful, and resourceful. 

Our current business was incorporated in May of 2018. We began research and development shortly thereafter, and actively marketed our products in January 2023.    

Q: What is the hardest lesson you have learned throughout your experience as an entrepreneur?

A: The toughest lesson for me has been to navigate the complex world of international logistics. Each country has different rules and laws governing trade. Also, managing inventory requirements for multiple fulfillment centers internationally.

Q: What are your greatest accomplishments earned throughout your experience as an entrepreneur?

A: I have had several accomplishments during my entrepreneurial experience. The first that comes to mind is finding out how determined and unwavering you have to be to succeed. Another is receiving and accepting guidance from experienced business leaders. Obtaining our long sought after patents and trademarks for our products were major accomplishments for us. Actually seeing something that was once only a concept and a vision a few years ago come to fruition, is incredibly fulfilling. Lastly, to see your ideas become award winning products is an amazing accomplishment in itself. It’s humbling to create an innovative kot that stores in the rear of our bags. People have stated that our products are applicable to several markets, ranging from airports, travel/leisure, adventure, natural disasters to the military. Hearing those comments makes us very proud.

Q: How has your business evolved since its inception?

A: When we began our business in 2018, we set out to develop a product that would help people get outside and enjoy their experience with the great outdoors. We hoped that as a result of this experience, our products could help bring families closer together. However, initially no one could visualize my dream. Throughout the development phase of our products there were many roadblocks and setbacks, but we persevered. Finally, we obtained multiple patents, received awards, and now our kots, backpacks, and carry on luggage are very much sought after by many people and agencies abroad.

Q: Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when starting your business? 

A: Knowing what I know now, I would have begun research sooner and better educated myself on international affairs and logistics. Having a great understanding of customs, tariffs, and international commerce is mandatory for my business. 

Q: What are your hopes for the future of your business(es)? Do you have any hopes for our community's aspiring entrepreneurs? 

A: To continue to build our brand, increase awareness of our products and become a global brand. We would also like to become more of a community partner and assist with social issues.  

Q: What advice would you give other entrepreneurs looking to take that leap of faith and find their ‘start?'

A: Prior to starting my business, I prayed a LOT, did a self assessment, and commitment assessment. An entrepreneur must be HONEST with themselves and answer three questions:

1. What do I want to do?

2. What will it take to succeed?

3. Am I willing to do it?

You must be able to answer each question openly and honestly with a positive outcome. You must be willing to work harder and longer than you ever have, and be able to accept criticism and be motivated by the word NO. Lastly, if you've never worked in the industry that you're entering, you should work in that industry to educate yourself to become proficient.

Q: What do you think makes Columbus an exceptional community for startups to thrive? How can our community better support entrepreneurs?

A: Columbus has a small town feel but is moving forward in the area of growth. Whenever a community fosters responsible growth and development, only good things can happen. Start up Columbus along with other forward thinking entities in the area, are the foundation an entrepreneur needs. They can offer both direction and encouragement for small businesses.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share? 

A: I would just like to encourage and applaud anyone that wants to become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind a successful economy. You must realize that owning your own business is a labor of love that consumes you in an incredible way. Whether your business is a lifelong dream or one that was given to you, you must nurture it, grow it, and love it. As you embark on this journey, know that you should be proud, committed, and ready to hit the ground running. Congratulations on your decision to move forward.  

Visit to learn more. And check them out on Facebook at TRAVEL KOTS and on Instagram at @travelkots!


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